11 Kasım 2019 Pazartesi

Conquer Your Money Blocks and Enjoy Financial Freedom Worksheet

Conquer Your Money Blocks and Enjoy Financial Freedom Worksheet

Money blocks are those beliefs and habits that sabotage your chances to accumulate, enjoy, and preserve financial wealth. You have more of them than you realize, and any one of them could be holding you back significantly. Even the wealthy have money blocks.

What are yours?

Answer these questions to gain a better perspective of how to identify and eliminate money blocks from your mind:

1. What type of lifestyle do I want to enjoy? What is my dream life?
2. What are my beliefs around money that limit my ability to accumulate wealth and attain my dream lifestyle?
3. What beliefs do I need to have to be financially successful? 
4. What are the sources of my money blocks? Are those sources reliable?
5. What are five affirmations that would support the attainment of my dream lifestyle?
6. What are my most negative habits related to my finances?
7. What are five habits I would like to create that would lead to financial abundance?
8. What can I do to avoid giving money blocks to my children? What is my plan?

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