9 Kasım 2019 Cumartesi

7 Questions

Why should anyone buy from you?

Once you integrate these key persuasion triggers into your sales pages, you will sell without selling.

1. Gain a deep understanding of your market. What are their problems and fears your product is trying to solve?

2. Make an epic list of your products features and benefits 

• Features usually describe a physical property (i.e. “this relationship book is 120 pages”).
Benefits are how it specifically helps people (i.e. “you will fall in love with your spouse again”)

3. List how your offer is different from your competitors

• Spy on your competitors websites and sales pages for ideas, they organize the offers in a spreadsheet to compare

4. List the potential solutions your prospects have tried already (but failed)

• Explain why all these other solutions don’t work


1. Who are you? (i.e. what is your hero story?)
2. Why should I trust you? (i.e. why are you an expert?)
3. What are you selling? (i.e. what are the features and benefits of your offer?)
4. Why should I care? (i.e. what’s in it for me?)
5. When can I expect this result? (i.e. what is timeline for success?)
6. How much is it going to cost? (i.e. is the value greater than the cost?)
7. What do I need to do next? (i.e. where do I go to order?)


1. Does your headline make a clear promise and state the benefit?
2. Do you declare the problem immediately?
3. When you state facts, can you back them up?
4. Is your proof and credibility compelling enough?
5. Is your call to action clear?
6. Does it feel like there’s high risk or no risk? What is the guarantee?
7. Did you justify the price?
8. Is there a clear order process?
9. Did you include frequently asked questions?
10. Do you have honest testimonials?
11. Are there multiple ways to contact you? (i.e. chat, email, phone, Facebook Messenger)
12. Does your sales copy read smoothly and to 7th grade level?

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