14 Kasım 2019 Perşembe

7 Ways to Invite Abundance into Your Life

7 Ways to Invite Abundance into Your Life 

You've probably noticed that some people you know seem to have more positivity in their lives than others. They overflow with goodness and abundance. Looking at them, you find yourself wondering, "What's their secret? They have such a great life. I want my life to be better, too."

You might have thought the people who seem to have so much spiritually, physically, and emotionally are just lucky. Good things just happen to them. However, great things can happen to you, too, and there are specific actions you can take to attract positivity and invite more prosperity into your own life!

Try these strategies to usher greater abundance into your life: 

1. Get organized. When you keep all the things you own in order, everyday living is easier and less stressful. There's a place for everything and everything is in its place. This leaves room in your life for abundance.

2. Throw out old stuff. If you don't use it anymore, get rid of it. Clear out clothing, appliances, gadgets, and anything else you no longer need. Things that are old, broken, or unable to be cleaned up properly are just taking up space you could use for something that has more value to you.

3. Give away some of your possessions. Whether you pass along magazines you've already looked at or clothing that no longer fits, spread some of the abundance you have already. When you give to others, your heart opens up and good things can more easily make their way into your life.

4. Find a place for possessions that are important to you. Provide each of your cherished items with a "home" within your home. When you take care of what you have, you're acknowledging and showing respect for the abundance that's already in your life.

5. Use what you have. Take advantage of the items you've collected over the years. You obviously see them as having value, so why not put them to good use? You'll feel more positive about life and will get in touch with the abundance you already have when you make use of your possessions the way they were meant to be used.

6. Stop mindless purchases. Make a vow to avoid compulsively buying the next new gadget. If you always want the latest item on the market, look inside yourself and see what that's all about. Also, remind yourself of all the "stuff" you've accumulated that you don't use. After all, they were at one time the next new thing.

* Take some time to figure out how you feel whenever you want to buy another new item. Recognize that you'll hamper your efforts to invite abundance into your life if you keep spending money frivolously on random stuff.

7. Ask yourself what you need in your life right now. Learn to distinguish between "wants" and "needs." If you do, you'll find it actually takes very little to live a good life with purpose and abundance. As you learn to determine when you actually need something, you'll experience more confidence in your own abilities to usher in abundance.

You may be surprised to learn that in order to invite abundance into your life, you can follow some fairly simple steps. There's no magic secret to happiness. Anyone can cultivate it.

As you begin to truly cherish your possessions and take care of your home, you'll find yourself loving your world and your circumstances more than ever. Your mind will be in tune with abundance and attract more of the same. You'll begin living the abundant life you always dreamed of!

13 Kasım 2019 Çarşamba

A Simple Guide To Realizing Your Dreams

A Simple Guide To Realizing Your Dreams

Everyone has dreams. Some are much larger and more complex than others, but they all have value. The dreams that you have are there for a reason: to be realized as a part of fulfilling your life purpose.

Many people give up on their dreams because they don't see them coming to pass when planned. Have patience! Although your dream may not have come to pass yet, it can still be realized.

Making Your Dreams a Reality

While you can't force dreams to happen, you can take steps toward actualizing them. Maybe you want to travel to a specific place. Do you know anything about the culture and language there? Are you saving money each week or month toward your trip? You won't magically arrive there. You must plan and work toward what you want.

The same is true if you want to have a family, write a successful book, help others, move to another state, or anything else that interests you. Even if you try and fail, keep trying. Your dreams have value. Keep moving toward them, even if you face setbacks and challenges.

Visualizing and Planning for Your Dreams

In addition to physically working toward your dreams, mental preparation is important. That means you need to keep visualizing and dreaming.

Hold on to what you believe in and what you want to see happen in your life. Use the power of positive thinking in order to see your dream coming to fruition.

Try these techniques:

• Make a vision board where you can pin or glue symbols of what you want to see realized.
• Write down your dreams to keep them fresh in your mind.
• Keep a journal of what you've done toward realizing your dreams each day or each week.
• Remember to enjoy and respect the present moment. Then you'll be well practiced when your dreams do come to pass!
• Talk with others who share your goals and dreams to stay encouraged and excited.

Many successful people focus on positive affirmations and meditation to help them see and realize their dreams. By meditating on what you really want and how you're going to get it, you may come up with solutions that you would otherwise not have thought about. Meditation gives your mind some quiet, peaceful time to work behind the scenes.

Positive affirmations also help keep your spirits up and keep you moving toward your goal, even when you don't really see a way. Just because the way to your dream doesn't seem obvious to you just now, that doesn't mean there isn't a way. Something could change in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, you'll be able to see how and when your dream will be realized.

If you hold tight to your goals, you'll find it easier to stay on the right track. Training yourself to observe progress can be important, too. This will help keep you motivated. Regardless of what your dreams are - however big or small they may be - you can usher them in to your life!

12 Kasım 2019 Salı

16 Empowering Beliefs to Live By Today

16 Empowering Beliefs to Live By Today

Your experiences are shaped by your thinking. Even obstacles have a value when you can see it. You can develop convictions that will help you to feel happier and achieve more, regardless of the situation.

Consider these empowering beliefs that you can start using today to transform your life through the power of positive thinking.

Empowering Beliefs to Make You Smile

1. I understand my potential. You can achieve amazing results when you put your mind to it. Feel excited about reaching your true potential.

2. I count my blessings. List each thing that you have to be grateful for. Remember to include the smaller items, like warm socks or tart cranberries. Expressing your appreciation reminds you of how rich you are.

3. I learn from mistakes. You can make setbacks work for you by focusing on the lessons that they contain. Flubbing one job interview can teach you how to ace the next one.

4. I find meaning in adversity. Tough times can be the most rewarding phase of your life. Know that you can emerge from any challenge with greater wisdom and courage. Look back at the obstacles you've already overcome, and reassure yourself that you can handle what's ahead.

5. I embrace change. Accept that life is a series of changes. Focus on the present moment, and prepare yourself to adapt to whatever circumstances come your way.

6. I dream big. Expand your wish list. Setting demanding but attainable goals gives you adventures to look forward to each day.

7. I practice forgiveness. Lighten your load by clearing away any resentment you're holding onto from the past. Set reasonable boundaries while you respond with compassion when others disappoint you. Pardon yourself too.

8. I give generously. Sharing your blessings makes you more powerful and joyful. Volunteer in your community and speak kindly to each person you meet today. Buy coffee for your co-workers or give your receptionist a flower.

Empowering Beliefs to Make You Strive

1. I take responsibility. You are in charge of your life. Hold yourself accountable for the outcomes you create. Celebrate the fact that you have the power to determine your own future.

2. I apply effort. Figure out your definition of success so you know what is worth working for. Give yourself credit when you're making progress rather than comparing yourself to others.

3. I leverage my strengths. You have your own individual strengths that you can draw on. Figure out what you're good at and what you want to do. Let that knowledge guide your choices.

4. I listen to feedback. Ask for feedback so you can enhance your performance and show others that you respect their point of view. You grow faster when you gather solid input that you can translate into action.

5. I ask for help. Expand your capabilities by building a sturdy support network. Carpool with other parents. Divide up household chores with your spouse and children.

6. I connect with others. Moral support counts too. Surround yourself with loving and encouraging family and friends. Participate actively in your faith community. Join a club with members who share your interest in solar power or badminton.

7. I recognize opportunities. Stay alert for promising openings. You may meet a new friend while you're standing in line to buy your morning coffee.

8. I try new things. Be open to experimentation. Go kayaking one weekend instead of playing tennis. Bake your own bread or knit a scarf. You may discover hidden talents.

An upbeat attitude increases your happiness and productivity. Question your old assumptions so you can replace them with a new sense of certainty about yourself and your future. Adopt empowering beliefs that build up your confidence and prepare you for greater success. Start today. You'll be glad you did!

11 Kasım 2019 Pazartesi

Conquer Your Money Blocks and Enjoy Financial Freedom Worksheet

Conquer Your Money Blocks and Enjoy Financial Freedom Worksheet

Money blocks are those beliefs and habits that sabotage your chances to accumulate, enjoy, and preserve financial wealth. You have more of them than you realize, and any one of them could be holding you back significantly. Even the wealthy have money blocks.

What are yours?

Answer these questions to gain a better perspective of how to identify and eliminate money blocks from your mind:

1. What type of lifestyle do I want to enjoy? What is my dream life?
2. What are my beliefs around money that limit my ability to accumulate wealth and attain my dream lifestyle?
3. What beliefs do I need to have to be financially successful? 
4. What are the sources of my money blocks? Are those sources reliable?
5. What are five affirmations that would support the attainment of my dream lifestyle?
6. What are my most negative habits related to my finances?
7. What are five habits I would like to create that would lead to financial abundance?
8. What can I do to avoid giving money blocks to my children? What is my plan?

10 Kasım 2019 Pazar

How to Build Passive Income Online

How to Build Passive Income Online

When you're struggling, living paycheck to paycheck, striving towards minimizing your overall living expenses and bringing more money into the household should definitely be on your to-do list. While minimizing your expenses can be as simple as nixing fast food or moving to a smaller apartment, it's often the "making more money" part that's most daunting.

The truth is that you can stop struggling to get by. Soon, you'll be able to take your spouse out for a nice dinner and still afford to pay your bills on time. Building a passive income online is your ticket to financial security!

You won't earn thousands of dollars overnight; legitimate methods of building passive income aren't get rich quick schemes. Building passive income online will take hard work, hours of research, and patience to surmount the learning curve. But, if you're willing to work hard now, you'll earn big rewards later.

Here are five ideas that'll help you build passive income online:

1. Start a blog. Throughout the startup phase, building your blogging empire will take up quite a bit of your time. You'll need to respond to reader comments, interact with other bloggers, and create daily posts just to earn dimes. But, once you've established an online presence with your blog, you can expect to earn in the range of $100 to over $1,000 per month, just for sharing your thoughts and opinions.

* Bloggers earn money through several different avenues. However, some of the most common and basic methods of earning passive income through a blog are Google's Adsense program and other comparable pay-per-click systems, private advertisers, and affiliate commissions.

2. Write articles for ad sharing websites. Ad sharing websites allow you to post articles to their website directory and earn ad revenue each time a visitor clicks on an advertisement next to your article.

* Taking part in work at home forums is an effective way of getting leads to some of the highest paying ad revenue websites. Some examples of successful ad revenue websites are eHow.com, Bukisa.com and Suite101.com.

3. Flip blogs for quick cash. Once you get the hang of it, flipping blogs can be a quick way to make money within just a few hours. Simply purchase a domain name (new or aged), find a unique WordPress theme, and post content on your new blog. After you've successfully set up the blog, place it for sale on an auction website, such as Flippa.com or Sitepoint.com.

4. Sell stock photography. If you're a brilliant photographer, put your artistic skills to use and sell stock photography online. Capture images of scenes you think will sell well. Then, visually enhance the photos in Photoshop, if necessary, and place them for sale on websites like Fotolia.com or iStockPhotos.com.

* Sales may be slow at first, but remember you're building passive income that treats you to some nice checks month after month. Once you've built up an inventory of several dozen photos, sales will begin to pick up.

5. Become an affiliate marketer. As an affiliate marketer, you'll promote other people's products online for a commission. Each time you make a sale, you'll be paid up to 75% of the sale price. Most people who succeed in this field focus on promoting products through article marketing and email marketing campaigns, but there are several strategies you can quickly learn.

* Writing two articles is unlikely to result in a sale. Write 20 articles and you're chances increase exponentially. Write 200 articles and you'll get the ball rolling on some nice commissions.

In time, you'll be able to pay costly bills and plan vacations without dipping into your paychecks. The key to ultimate success is the ability to remain focused on the end result. Allow your desires to fuel your drive toward financial security. An optimistic mindset and persistence in working to achieve your goal will see you through to online success.

9 Kasım 2019 Cumartesi

7 Questions

Why should anyone buy from you?

Once you integrate these key persuasion triggers into your sales pages, you will sell without selling.

1. Gain a deep understanding of your market. What are their problems and fears your product is trying to solve?

2. Make an epic list of your products features and benefits 

• Features usually describe a physical property (i.e. “this relationship book is 120 pages”).
Benefits are how it specifically helps people (i.e. “you will fall in love with your spouse again”)

3. List how your offer is different from your competitors

• Spy on your competitors websites and sales pages for ideas, they organize the offers in a spreadsheet to compare

4. List the potential solutions your prospects have tried already (but failed)

• Explain why all these other solutions don’t work


1. Who are you? (i.e. what is your hero story?)
2. Why should I trust you? (i.e. why are you an expert?)
3. What are you selling? (i.e. what are the features and benefits of your offer?)
4. Why should I care? (i.e. what’s in it for me?)
5. When can I expect this result? (i.e. what is timeline for success?)
6. How much is it going to cost? (i.e. is the value greater than the cost?)
7. What do I need to do next? (i.e. where do I go to order?)


1. Does your headline make a clear promise and state the benefit?
2. Do you declare the problem immediately?
3. When you state facts, can you back them up?
4. Is your proof and credibility compelling enough?
5. Is your call to action clear?
6. Does it feel like there’s high risk or no risk? What is the guarantee?
7. Did you justify the price?
8. Is there a clear order process?
9. Did you include frequently asked questions?
10. Do you have honest testimonials?
11. Are there multiple ways to contact you? (i.e. chat, email, phone, Facebook Messenger)
12. Does your sales copy read smoothly and to 7th grade level?

8 Kasım 2019 Cuma

Money flows easily into my life.

Money flows easily into my life.

I allow myself to receive financial blessings into my life. I am happy and grateful that money flows to me in greater quantities each day.

I receive income from many different sources. My income sources are stable and my income is growing.

I am one with the infinite resources of the universe. It is my right to be wealthy and successful.

Money flows to me freely and endlessly. My wealth is growing by the day. I am aware of my true worth and deserve all the abundance that I am willing to receive.

My past financial challenges are learning experiences. I apply those lessons learned in my life to further my financial expertise. My past errors are boosting my current and future financial results.

When I experience financial challenges, I know I am resisting the abundance that is my birthright. I only need to open my heart and eyes to the vast financial opportunities around me.

My savings are growing each day. I make saving a priority in my life and my growing bank accounts are proof of that.

I work hard to earn the money that I receive, but I know how to enjoy it, too.

Today, I am allowing greater abundance into my life. Money is flowing quickly and easily to me. I am grateful for the financial resources I am acquiring.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. In what ways do I resist financial abundance?
2. In what ways do I spend money unwisely?
3. What would I do if I were given one million dollars?

7 Ways to Invite Abundance into Your Life

7 Ways to Invite Abundance into Your Life  You've probably noticed that some people you know seem to have more positivity in their ...